Bad credit car loans are financing options specifically designed to suit people who have poor credit. Just because you have a low credit score or have not built up enough credit, does not mean you should be prevented from borrowing money to buy a car.
There are a variety of different car loan lenders to choose from and each is going to have unique requirements regarding their particular auto loan. If you have recently gone bankrupt, or had a vehicle or home repossessed, some lenders will not want to work with you while others will be more than willing to help find the car loan approval you seek.
If your credit is in a moderate state, it may be possible to negotiate prime car loan rates
when seeking your car loan approval. This is especially true when you are applying for auto loans while making a down payment, or while working with a cosigner. On the other hand, there are some factors that can prevent you from receiving a reasonable rate when obtaining car loan approval.
~ Chris H, New York
“My application validation went through instantly
and I got an incredible deal on the truck I wanted. Now I just have to
figure out how to tell my wife I bought a new truck!”
~ Brian J, Boise
“Our experience was easy and hassle free. I was
kind of on the edge about applying, but I’m glad I did. They helped me
every step of the way. Many thanks!”
~ Terry M, Los Angeles